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    34 Ways Sun Tzu Can Help You Survive College

    We've all had to read Sun Tzu's Art of War at some point in College, but can we actually apply the military theories in it to what we do during our four years (if we're lucky) at College? I think we could all learn a little something on getting through college from the advice of a successful war general.

    1. Listen to the professor, they are always right. (Don't sleep in class, they notice).

    2. If you study, you will be fine

    3. If you are going to stay up late studying all night, go prepared with snacks and caffeine.

    4. Don't procrastinate until the absolute second, it will show

    5. There are ALWAYS people and organizations giving away free things, get as many free things as you can cause after college, not much is free.

    6. Read ALL instructions first, whether on an exam or for an assignment, read it all first before you start.

    7. At the end of the day, you are going to either graduate on time, or graduate with a few extra semesters, but you WILL graduate.

    8. Successful study groups do exist

    9. Having a 4.0 means nothing if that's all you have.

    10. There are projects and papers that you cannot procrastinate for, just know it won't always work

    11. If you have free time, get ahead on homework. There is always something to work on until finals.

    12. Ask your professor questions, that's what they're there for. (Just think before you ask because there are such things as dumb questions).

    13. It is very helpful to get to know your professor, go to office hours, say hi, ask questions and show them you are an interested student. It matters.

    14. Come prepared to exams, don't be that kid whose asking for pencils as the exams are being passed out.

    15. Check with the professor if you are unsure with something, just because someone says something about an exam or an assignment does not mean they are right.

    16. If studying in groups helps you, do that. Do what works best for your style of learning.

    17. Create a course schedule that you know you can handle, there is more than one combination of classes.

    18. If you ask if it's on the exam and they don't answer, it's most likely on the exam, just study it.

    19. You never know when your professor is going to give hints for exams or tell you an answer, pay attention in class... you are paying for it.

    20. It's not always how long you studied for or how late you were up studying, but the quality of your studying that really matters.

    21. Plan and look ahead at your semester, you never know when or if the professor might add work or take some away and you don't want to miss either.

    22. Use RateMyProfessor or ask other students which professors are good. It's helpful when signing up for classes to know what your professor will be like.

    23. The more work you do now, the less you have to do later.

    24. Know your professor, know what to expect, know how to respond.

    25. Have someone to get notes from if you can't make class

    26. Don't give up, every class is passable.

    27. If you know a big exam/assignment is coming up, prepare for it.

    28. You need sleep. Nap if you can! As long as you sleep, try and exercise some, and don't eat dining hall pizza every night (or go to every Wing Wednesday), you CAN avoid the freshman fifteen.

    29. If your calm, you will do better on exams and in life in general. For college though, seriously, calm down. And if your parents stress you out, just tell them you're doing fine or their pressure will drive you insane. They can see how you're doing when you get your final grades back, until then, they don't need to know anything.

    30. The material doesn't make the class, the professor does. You may find interest in something you never thought of before because the way some professor might present their material. Be open minded in courses outside your major, you may find something more interesting (like I did) and change your mind about the path your on. It's okay to change your major.

    31. Some professors will give you the craziest assignments, but the point of it all doesn't really make sense until after you finish, so just bear with it and do the work.

    32. You know more than you think you do. (I promise)

    33. Extra credit DOES exist in college! So there's hope after all.

    34. Get old notes, exams and tips from students who have already taken the class, they can help you a lot.