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    Signs You Were An ‘80s Theater Kid

    You had comedy and tragedy masks on your bedroom wall. You sang the body electric. You wore leg warmers for their intended purpose. You were an ‘80s theater kid.

    You longed to go to a performing arts high school like the one in Fame.

    THIS...was your Hamilton.

    Oh, and this too...

    You knew all the words to "Tomorrow" "Dance: Ten; Looks: Three" and "Somewhere That’s Green"

    Helen Keller in your Miracle Worker had big hair.

    You unashamedly blasted The Broadway Album on the tape deck in your car.

    You longed to be in a number like this.

    Rocky Horror Picture Show felt like home to you.

    So obsessed, you wore these earrings.

    You attended fancy awards ceremonies

    You found your people. You were commonly known as a “drama club kid.” You wore that title loud and proud.

    And you still do today.