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    Beat Topics

    The first beat topic option that I would really love to write about this semester is the portrayal of strong female roles' personalities and fashion sense and how those things reinforce how their character is depicted throughout the show or movie. I'm extremely passionate about watching movies/shows with female leads and seeing how their journey progresses. I also like examining how female characters are portrayed on the big screen and how the things they do and the clothes they wear represent their on-screen evolution. The second topic I would explore would be the benefits and importance of traveling in your 20's and how you can travel on a budget. I've been to various places around the U.S and the world including New York, Tennessee, Nevada, Florida, Italy and Egypt. I love traveling and visiting new places because you get to experience new adventures, meet new people and discover cultures and languages outside of your own. My third beat topic would be how dating, socializing and establishing friendships is challenging as a college student in Charlotte. Many people I know (myself included) have struggled with one of these things while living in Charlotte. Finding a balance between these things can be hard these days despite the various ways the online community has attempted to make it easier.

    Journalism 3050 Topics