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16 Thoughts Girls Have When They First Sleep With Him

Like we don’t overthink things enough just trying to fall asleep alone. Try Perfect hair Day Night Cap Overnight Perfector by Living Proof, and better hair by morning won’t require another thought!

1. "Wow, he looks really cute in PJs."

I don't hate that we're sharing a bed later.

2. "I have the perfect magic trick to show him."

3. "I hope he likes my place. I literally did nothing all day but clean it."

4. "He's going to use my bathroom. He's gonna find something embarrassing."

5. "Is it too risky to watch him sleep? He's really cute."

6. "Is he going to watch me sleep at some point? I want to tell him that's a bad idea."

7. "Please don't let me fart in my sleep."

8. "What if he wants to do it when we wake up but I look like an ogre?"

9. "Can I reapply my makeup before he wakes up?"

10. "What if he snores?"

11. "I'm gonna judge his bedroom so hard."

Deduct points for: posters of babes on cars, dirty dishes, weird smell.

Bonus points for: guitar, books, leather jacket.

12. "I should be adorable and make breakfast in the morning!"

13. "Ugh, is it too late to brush my teeth again?"

14. "I can't get comfortable, but I don't want to move and wake him up."

15. "I hope he still looks good in the morning."

16. "We've been lying in bed talking for, like, three hours. I'm gonna be so tired."

Apply Perfect hair Day Night Cap Overnight Perfector before bed and wake up thinking, Damn, I look good.

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