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10 High-Tech Gadgets For Weirdos

Tech geeks, tinkerers, and eccentrics rejoice! We are living in the future, and it's a great time to be obsessed with technology. And if you like these things, you should get acquainted with littleBits and their modular electronic kits that let you build everything from robo cars to keytars.

1. A drone of one's own

2. Turn your iPhone into a projector

3. The 3D pen

4. LED bike spokes

5. Talk to the hand

6. Bartendro: The Robot Bartender

7. Hovercraft golf cart

8. Killer whale submarine

9. Ghost hunting kit

10. Desktop 3D printer

And, if you're the more hands-on type, build your own gadgets with littleBits kits.

View this video on YouTube

For example, get your DIY on and make your own Robotic Butler.