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10 Gross Facts About Mouths That’ll Freak You Out

We put food in here and kiss people with them, and yet they are grosser than you can imagine. Listerine can help, as it kills up to 97% of germs left behind after brushing.

1. There are an estimated 600-plus species of bacteria that like to call the mouth home.

2. The average gross human produces about a litre of saliva per day and 30,000 litres of saliva in a lifetime. That's enough to fill a swimming pool you won't wanna swim in.

3. 90% of life-threatening diseases have some oral symptoms.

4. Human saliva helps keep the mouth's pH balance slightly alkaline. If it didn't, the mouth would create an acidic environment that would dissolve its own teeth.

5. A child has all their adult teeth up inside their head even though you can't see them yet.

6. There are over 100 million bacteria in a single drop of your human saliva.

7. Your teeth are alive.

8. Introverts produce more saliva than extroverts.

9. The hardest thing in your whole body is the enamel on your teeth.

10. The tongue is the strongest muscle in the body (relative to its size) and also the only muscle that is attached on only one end.

Ugh, gross. Are you doing enough to take care of your mouth?

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Just brushing your teeth leaves behind millions of germs - germs that can cause decay, gum disease and bad breath. Listerine kills up to 97% of germs left behind after brushing. Complete the clean with Listerine. Find out more.

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