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11 Reasons LINE PLAY Avatar Life Is The Best

About that avatar life. Life inside LINE PLAY might be even better than it is out here.

LINE PLAY is an adorable avatar game, and we actually want this to be real life. "Why?" you ask.

1. First of all, you get to choose whether you want to be a person or an animal.

2. And you get to choose exactly what you look like.

3. But you can always change your face at the face shop!

Just like in real life, except much cheaper, and less painful.

4. You can wear literally anything you want.

5. You can go on trips whenever you like.

6. You can just wander around and meet new friends whenever you feel like it.

Here you are in Times Square, talking to complete strangers from all over the world!

7. You can visit Treasure Island and go fishing with your friends.

8. You can show up at someone's house unannounced and take a bath.

In real life, if you walked into a stranger's house and took a bath, it would definitely be weird. But when you're an avatar it's totally fine! Life is a game.

9. You can decorate your room however you like. Your house will be fancy as hell.

You can also invite your avatar friends over for room parties anytime. Parties every day!

10. You can hang out with PSY at his house.

Avatars get to have all the fun.

11. And chatting with friends is taken to a whole-new level when you're an avatar.

Images courtesy of LINE PLAY.

Download the LINE PLAY app and live your best life as an avatar!

View this video on YouTube

You can personalize your avatar, decorate your room, meet other players from around the world, play games, and explore this crazy, shiny world with your new friends!