13 Examples Of Unlikely Butterfly Friendships

    Did you know that National Learn About Butterflies Day exists?? These animals are all about it.

    1. The Frenemies

    2. The Acquaintances

    3. The Close Friends

    4. The One-Sided Friendship

    5. The Group Friendship

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    In this friendship, everybody is friends and everybody hangs out. It's like a platonic-emotion orgy.

    (also, can we take a moment to truly appreciate how much penguins dig butterflies??)

    6. The Best Friends

    7. The Vacay Friend

    8. The Crunchy Granola Friends

    9. The Party Animals

    10. The Deceptive Friend

    That friend who you THINK is an awesome little butterfly, but turns out to be a lowly PIECE OF TAPE.

    11. The friends who see each other on the street and promise to hang out soon...

    12. The Fangirls

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    These friends are over-flowing with energy and opinions about every little thing, and they generally tend to follow a single, ruthless leader.

    13. The Not-So-Secretly-in-Love Friends

    Here's hoping we can all strike up some new butterfly friendships of our own. Happy National Learn About Butterflies Day!

    * Edit: A piece of tape masquerading as a butterfly water cooler friend was identified as such and has since been corrected.