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    Women Are Now "Multimasking" For The Best Skin Of Their Lives

    Because one mask doesn't fit all, amirite?

    Face masks are a beauty staple for getting ~flawless~ skin, whether you use mud, charcoal, clay, or any of the countless formulas.

    But the latest trend, called "multimasking," combines several different masks at once to target specific areas on the face.

    Because for those with combination skin, a mask that only targets one specific skin issue isn't gonna cut it.

    YouTuber Nicole Guerriero suggests using a charcoal mask in areas that tend to break out and get clogged.

    Then use a moisturizing mask in areas that tend to dry out.

    You can really get creative with your masks and throw in some under-eye papers for days when no amount of caffeine can wake you up.

    Or a nose strip for when those pores ain't loyal.

    The best part is you can really have some fun with it.

    This person got next-level creative.

    Dr. Debra Jaliman, a New York-based dermatologist, told BuzzFeed Life it's best to multimask at night to give your skin a chance to rest after applying.

    Jaliman also suggests limiting your multimasking to once a week.

    Mo' masks, less problems.