Baseball Is The Absolute Best Sport For Anxious Fans

    It's so much more fun to bite your nails over RBIs than an existential crisis.

    We all know the horror of watching your closing pitcher blow a lead. But for the overall anxious among us, baseball provides invaluable respite.

    1. There are 162 games in a season.

    With so many games on the schedule, losses are easier to stomach than in other sports...

    But a great win is a huge mood booster.

    2. Each game is roughly three hours long.

    So over the course of a season, you invest an unspeakable amount of time and nervous energy into baseball that might otherwise be pent up in anxiety.

    Hey @Deadspin look what my friend's son wrote in church today.

    3. Baseball stadiums are significantly less stressful than arenas for other sports.

    So get out there, the sun's good for you. Just don't forget sunblock.

    4. The pace of the game is rarely stressful due to its slow pace.

    Which gives you time to get to know your favorite players and their quirky personalities.

    5. However, something exciting could happen at any moment, which helps keeps your focus on the game and not on external stressors.

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    Honestly, whose day wouldn't be made better by a Bartolo Colon home run?

    6. Following the game closely could actually stimulate your brain in a calming way.

    7. Diving deep into the world of complicated statistics can be tranquilizing for the more obsessive of us.

    8. Nostalgia, considered a reprieve from emotional distress, goes hand in hand with baseball.

    9. Even after the stressful end of the season, you have a long offseason to recover.

    10. Yet nothing puts a smile on your face like waking up and realizing pitchers and catchers are set to report that day.