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    Dwarf Giraffes Are Just As Cute As They Sound

    Meet Gimli, a teeny tiny giraffe making a big statement. This is for the Editorial Fellowship.

    Scientists are hard at work studying Gimli, a dwarf-sized Nubian giraffe living in Uganda.

    Don’t be fooled by the “dwarf” title, as Gimli still stands at a whopping nine feet tall. Gimli is about half the size of an average adult Nubian giraffe due to skeletal dysplasia, a rare condition that affects bone growth. The name Gimli may sound familiar to Lord of the Rings fans, as the giraffe is named after the dwarf warrior.

    Gimli standing next to an average sized adult giraffe.

    Dwarfism in animals is extremely uncommon and scientists still have much to uncover about how it develops. There is only one other dwarf giraffe that has been discovered with the condition to date. Nigel, a dwarf Angolan in Namibia, has been studied with Gimli to learn about the implications of skeletal dysplasia in animals. Nigel was discovered by scientists working on a farm in Namibia. Scientists believe that dwarf giraffes like Gimli and Nigel won't face any serious health consequences, but they will be easier prey due to their smaller statures.

    Gimli the dwarf giraffe

    These adorable miniature giraffes may be baffling scientists, but they’re surely warming our hearts.