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    To My Best Friends New Roommate

    Thank you for letting me be your roommate at least 4 days a week senior year. I'll miss pulling out of the driveway at 7:58 AM trying to make it to school by 8:00. I wish you the best at JMU and can't wait to hear all about it.

    To My Best Friends New Roommate

    You are in for the best year of your life, but there are a few crucial things I've learned about living with her that I will share with you.

    1. She loves making the most of every moment she is given. Go on spontaneous adventures with her so I can hear about them when we're home on break.

    2. Bowl. White rice. Fajita vegetables. Chicken. Mild salsa. Sour cream. Cheese. Water cup. Just memorize it.

    3. Get ready to laugh. A lot. I hope you learn to understand her sense of humor because, like mine, your world will be a better place if you're laughing with her.

    4. There will be days when she doesn't get out of bed and skips her 9 am to watch Netflix or makeup videos. Just be patient and don't expect her to get up anytime soon.

    5. Her obsession for Disney is contagious. Get used to hearing Disney Radio, specifically Moana. I promise by the end of the year you will know every word to every song as well as every random fact there is to know about Disney.

    6. I hope you are good with hair. For special occasions or just when she feels like dressing up, she likes to curl her hair. You will have to help her with the back because her arms can't always reach.

    7. Don't be annoyed by the many alarms in her morning routine. You'll see what I mean.

    8. Encourage her to try new things. She is one of the pickiest eaters I know, but maybe after a year at JMU she'll have found her new favorite food. (Probs not, but it's worth a shot right, Meg?)

    9. Don't try to have deep life talks too often, she is not a fan of those.

    And 10. Be her new best friend. Megan Lorraine Shumate deserves the world. She is my other half and we have spent basically every day together for the past nine years. Take good care of my person, and I know she will do the same for you.

    Good luck this year, Meg. You will shine brighter than the eclipse. I will love you always.


    Your Best Friend