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    6 Ways To Trade Up Holiday Strife For Holiday Spirit

    Whether you are 5 or 35, the looming holiday season can guarantee one thing: high emotions. However, unlike the giddy 5-year-olds of the world, the rest of us are left with residual nostalgia, financial stress, and--my personal favorite--the constant anxiety brought to you by the "so, what have you been up to?" queries by members of the extended family. Even with the best intentions, I always find myself marching towards the new year with my thighs thicker, my wallet thinner, and my self esteem feeling less-than-jolly. But not this year. I'm putting the Grinch back on the shelf and taking a page from a different book. This year is 2016, where anything goes and the unexpected is the norm. This year, I'm going to bask in the holiday glow so much, I may just get a tan.

    1. Families Talk Free

    A major aspect to many a holiday tradition is spending quality time with the Fam. For many, the holidays are the singularly most family-oriented time of the year. While for some, they are just another Sunday dinner. Either way, as I get older, the more obvious it has become that these relationships may actually be more than some small talk and a quick childhood #TBT. Learning from those relatives older, younger, similar, different, has helped shape who I am on a subconscious level since I was born. Holiday dinners can seem like an arranged play date, moms and dads planning an afternoon for the adults and kids alike to bond over old booze and new toys. This year, however, delve into those people you've always known. See them through fresh eyes. Ask them questions you never thought to before. Even if there is nothing to gain from it, it sure beats the awkward silences.

    2. Try Something Out of Your Comfort Zone

    All comfort zones are relative. Go on more dates, try skydiving, learn how to drive a stick shift...experiences are not one size fits all. The holidays, however, present the perfect opportunity to volunteer somewhere unexpected, prepare an exotic meal, or even reach out to a long lost pal. The best part about the holiday season is that any bad experience will immediately be cleansed come the new year--not to mention, during the month of December, you will rarely be 20 ft. from some sort of comfort food.

    3. Embrace the Cheese

    Put on the ugly sweater. Obnoxiously sing along to "All I Want for Christmas Is You!". Post the dreaded Thanksgiving plate photo. Watch "Rudolph's Shiny New Year" 15 times in one weekend. Do it all, unapologetically, and with pizazz.

    4. You are What You Eat, So Eat the Good Stuff

    The holidays are rife with carnal temptation. It's as if you're on perpetual spring break, but instead of very attractive co-eds all around, there are cookies, and pies, and candy, and houses made of cookies and candy! This time of year it's virtually impossible to adhere to any sort of strict diet...unless you are one of those mythical humans with extreme self-control I've only read about in magazines.

    Alas, eat the goodies while you can, guilt free. There is a time for most things and the holidays is the time to indulge and enjoy. Come January 1st, as the aching hangover subsides, you'll fondly remember that last, precious Lindt truffle as you're weighing the nutritional benefits of organic vs store brand kale chips. Don't beat yourself up for the second helping of green bean casserole, just make sure you savor it and save room for dessert.

    5. Focus on Someone Other Than Yourself

    Yes, yes, I know, how stunningly cliché. But when do you really take the time to consider what would make your grandma smile or what would make your boss' day? Instead of the 'treat yo self' mantra on repeat in your mind--as it is in mine 11 months of the year-- give yourself the opportunity to exist with someone else in mind. Explore ways to share happiness, whether it's through a new pair of shoes or a handwritten greeting card. Strangely enough, channeling your energy into someone else's bliss will ultimately leave you feeling more fulfilled than wasting another moment self analyzing.

    6. Wine

    When all else fails, and that one aunt asks "Are you seeing anyone?" for the third time, wine will be there. Wine does not judge. Wine does not ask questions you can not or will not answer. Wine, when all is said and done, may be the most efficient shortcut to reaching holiday season nirvana.

    Every year around this time, the cold weather threatening to keep me under the covers and the Christmas music beginning to plague every retail establishment, it's easy to start to cave. Giving in to the bad attitude, citing materialism and consumerist society as a way to kill the small flicker of holiday cheer. This time around, however, stoke the flame into a fire. Smile at strangers and let other cars cut in front of you and donate $1 to cancer research when at the checkout. This year is the year to let the spirit of the season envelop you in its corny, over exposed loveliness and simply say "Happy Holidays!".