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    To Marvel: Where Is The Other Half Of The World?

    With Black Panther's cinematic success, maybe it's time for Marvel to consider an even wider representation of POCs - by including Asians.

    Marvel's brand-new Black Panther movie has already broken records, and has been predicted to become one of Marvel's most successful movies. The movie has gained worldwide recognition and praise for its all-star African American cast and beautifully rendered depictions of African culture. With this smashing success in its first POC superhero lead, isn't it about time for Marvel to consider an Asian lead?

    You might argue that have been numerous Asian characters - Ned from Spiderman: Homecoming, Mantis from Guardians of the Galaxy, Dr Helen Cho from Avengers: Age of Ultron. But there are deeply rooted problems in each of these portrayals of Asians.

    1. Ned

    In Spiderman: Homecoming, Ned is a sidekick to Peter Parker - the atypical white, apparently heterosexual, awkwardly adorable superhero. The Asian-nerd stereotype has existed for long before this franchise - but this movie, right off the bat, reduced Ned to yet another stereotypical embodiment of pure Asian-ness. Nerdy, awkward, and slightly undesirable, Ned literally sat in front of a laptop as the white superhero went off to kick-ass. It almost seemed like a sad attempt to appease the Asian market. Here, an Asian that spends more than thirty seconds on-screen! Ned was simply another let-down, yet another reinforcement of the idea that all Asians are good for is to sit back and stare with an open mouth and make vulgar porn jokes and cover for the goody-goody, all-round amazing white superhero.