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6 Reasons Fall Is The Perfect Time To Upgrade Your Blinds And Shades

Thinking of upgrading your windows? Now is the perfect time to add both visual and ~literal~ warmth to your home with help from LEVOLOR!

1. Fall means temperatures are dropping, so new shades can be a great way to prevent drafty windows from making your home feel cold.

2. New blinds or shades can help you create a cozier, warmer aesthetic — and can even make the room feel fuller!

3. Many people spend more time at home in cooler seasons, so fall is the ideal time to start new projects. And then you'll be home to enjoy the results...

4. ...and starting your home improvement projects in the fall will free up time the rest of the year you can spend on other projects.

5. With daylight saving time coming to an end, the sun is up earlier in the day, making the fall the best time to add shades that allow you to control light levels.

6. With the holidays just around the corner, it just makes sense to update your home before you get busy with parties and entertaining.

Images courtesy of LEVOLOR

LEVOLOR makes it easy to find the perfect product for your fall upgrade!

Ready to get started? Take the first step with LEVOLOR's easy-to-follow measuring guide.