16 Life Lessons From "The Fifth Element"

    When in doubt: MULTIPASS.

    1. When you're not on the list, act like you are.

    2. Dance like no one's watching.

    3. It's OK to eat the entire contents of your fridge.

    4. Also, chicken is a delicious and nutrient-rich food. Chicken GOOD.

    5. Wear waterproof mascara.

    6. Sometimes, you just need an alcoholic beverage.

    7. Simplify, simplify, simplify.

    8. Trying to live out a Disney fairy tale rarely goes according to plan.

    9. Werk.

    10. Your mother will never cease guilt-tripping you.

    11. Treat others as you would like to be treated.

    It's the golden rule!

    12. Sometimes you need to just tell people to fuck off.

    13. Netflix bingeing can ruin your life.

    14. First impressions are everything: Always smile and greet someone with warmth.

    15. Be demanding!

    16. And finally, in some real talk, try to work for the greater good.