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11 Keyboard Shortcuts That Should Exist

Even with all the keyboard shortcuts that do exist, these are the ones we really want. Until then, keep the dreams going with Lenovo computers.

1. Insert + [Toothbrush] + [Autocomplete brushing routine]

2. CTRL + [Taco delivery]

3. CTRL + Delete + [All baby pics from my newsfeed]

4. Shift + End + [Find everything on my wish list at the lowest price]

5. F9 + Home + [Enhance and perfect all the muscles]

6. Shift + ALT + [Show only funny tweets]

7. CTRL + [Autocomplete essay]

8. Shift + CTRL + [Instant high five]

9. Esc + [Cleaning up after yourself] + Enter

10. Shift + CTRL + [Improve my photography across all my social networks]

11. Shift + Tab + [Clear playlist of all bad songs]

While we wait for these magnificent shortcuts to finally get invented, Lenovo can help you push the boundaries of what your computer can already do.