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14 Skills Every Dad Should Teach Their Kids

Thanks for the wisdom, Dad. Keep playing and learning together with LEGO Friends.

1. Life is about balance.

2. The world doesn't revolve around you.

3. Timing is everything.

4. Be quick to help others.

5. Never, ever accept the first offer you receive.

6. It's okay to eat cereal for dinner every now and again.

7. You're capable of more than you think.

8. Collaboration will get you further than you can go on your own.

9. Always close the door behind you.

10. Sharing is caring.

11. Respect other people's house rules.

12. Know when to hold your tongue.

13. Work smarter, not harder.

14. The best present you can give someone is your time.

Our dads taught us well. Playing and learning together has never been more fun thanks to LEGO Friends. It combines classic LEGO-building with fun first-person role-play!

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