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What You Think Having A Toddler Will Be Like Vs What It's Actually Like

The truth is, life with a toddler isn't always pretty. But making a mess is a great way to learn! Foster their creativity with the ultimate partner in play: LEGO DUPLO.

1. Toilet training:

2. Bonding with siblings:

3. Eating solids:

4. Their artistic expression:

5. Learning to share:

6. Going out in public:

7. Getting dressed:

8. The playroom:

9. Getting a haircut:

10. Nap time:

11. Celebrating birthdays:

How is it possible for such a small human to be SO full of surprises?! Having a toddler can be messy, but making a mess is one of the best ways to learn. And there’s no better way to build, learn, and make a mess than with LEGO DUPLO.

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