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    Writer Leaves Lena Dunham's "Lenny Letter" Over Dunham's "Hipster Racism"

    Zinzi Clemmons says that Dunham’s reaction to the accusations made by Perrineau pushed her to leave the newsletter

    Earlier this month, actress Aurora Perrineau accused "Girls" writer and executive producer, Murray Miller of sexual assault. Lena Dunham (who previously tweeted that women don't lie about being raped) and Jenni Konner issued a statement in support of Miller. Since then, Dunham issued an apology via her Twitter page.

    @lenadunham / Via Twitter: @lenadunham

    Lena Dunham's Twitter

    Now, a (now former) writer of the actor's blog, "Lenny Letter", has resigned from the publication, due to Dunham's "well known racism". In a statement, posted to her Twitter account, Clemmons writes that she has known Dunham since their college years, and that the two share overlapping social circles. During that time, Clemmons says she “avoided those people like the plague because of their racism,” adding, “I’d call their strain ‘hipster-racism,’ which typically uses sarcasm as a cover.” She cites her relationship with her editors as the reason she has stayed at "Lenny Letter" until now, but says that Dunham’s reaction to the accusations made by Perrineau pushed her to leave the newsletter. “As a result of Lena Dunham’s statements, I have decided that I will no longer write for Lenny Letter. For all you writers who are outraged about what she did, I encourage you to do the same. Especially women of color." Dunham has yet to reply to the accusations or Clemmons' resignation.

    My statement on why I will no longer write for @lennyletter, and the behavior I witnessed firsthand from…

    @zinziclemmons / Via Twitter: @zinziclemmons

    Zinzi Clemmons' Twitter

    Dunham has a long history of making problematic statements, then apologizing for them later. Among other things, she previously said she "wishes she had an abortion" and accused football player, Odell Beckham, Jr. of not being attracted to her after he did not speak to her at 2016's Met Gala. She apologized for both incidents on her Instagram page.