23 Ways Babies Are The Worst Roommates Ever

    Is their name even on the lease?

    1. They don't pay rent.

    2. Their stuff is everywhere.

    3. They're super picky eaters.

    4. Not to mention ridiculously messy.

    5. Seriously, they have no manners.

    6. They keep the strangest hours.

    7. And yet insist on waking you up when they get up.

    8. They're super handsy.

    Zero respect for personal space.

    9. They constantly babble on and on.

    10. But don't care at all about what you have to say.

    11. They are extremely demanding.

    12. And you pretty much have to give them their way.

    13. There's ALWAYS drama.

    14. They have totally unpredictable mood swings.

    15. They just zone out mid-conversation.

    16. Their bathroom etiquette is nonexistent.

    17. They never clean up after the pet.

    18. They never do laundry.

    19. They can't be trusted with the grocery shopping.

    20. They always get you sick.

    21. Whenever you go out together, you end up taking care of them.

    22. They ruin your favorite clothes.

    23. And they just can't help but bring out the best in you.