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Tell Us Your Most Embarrassing Celebrity Encounter

I'm still cringing.

Look, we're all human. The most awkward and cringey things happen to the best of us, but we always live on to tell the tale.

Andy from The Office making and uncomfy face

But has something embarrassingly horrible ever happened to you in front of a famous person?

Oprah giving eyes to a awkward situation

Like, maybe you're a waiter and you accidentally spilled an entire bowl of hot soup on Meryl Streep.

Meryl Streep on the red carpet

Or maybe you were ranting about how much you didn't like Beyoncé's album, and turned around to see Beyoncé standing right behind you, listening to the entire thing.

Beyoncé accepting a Grammy

Or perhaps you absolutely destroyed a public restroom and then, when you exited the stall, you saw that you just did all that in front of Ryan Reynolds.

Ryan Reynolds sitting in an interview

Whatever it is, we wanna know! Tell us the most awkward and embarrassing encounter you've ever had with a celebrity in the comments below or in this anonymous Google Form. The best responses will be included in a BuzzFeed post.