Nando's Says It's Not Trying To Trick People Into Eating Fake Heinz Ketchup

    A spokesperson confirmed that Nando's only serves Heinz ketchup, after a customer spotted what they thought was an impostor sauce.

    Nando's diner Ade Franco spotted a staff member filling up Heinz ketchup bottles from an unbranded container earlier this week, and he thought he smelt a rat.

    So nandos out here deceiving people it was never really Heinz 😂

    "So nandos (sic) out here deceiving people it was never really Heinz," Franco tweeted along with a video of Nando's staff going about their sauce duties.

    Had they been caught red-handed fobbing off customers with non-branded ketchup in Heinz bottles?

    The tweet quickly went viral as people were shocked by what they saw.

    Im livid

    First the microwave mash now Morleys Ketchup .. What next pls? 😩😔

    Omg I'm fuming 😂

    Important questions were raised...

    Who has Nandos with ketchup ?😂😂

    But yet Its a big deal if I put Coke in my "water" glass 🤔

    An explanation was demanded...


    And an explanation is exactly what a spokesperson for Nando's gave us: "Our ketchup is 100% Heinz," they told BuzzFeed News.

    "We only ever use Heinz in our restaurants," they added.

    The woman on film was simply using a squeezy bottle for ease of ketchup decantation into the classic glass bottles.

    As indeed, some wilier tweeters had suspected.

    They Defoe buy the big industrial size Heinz ones and just refill you think they buy glass bottles everyday😂😂

    So there you go. Mystery solved.

    Happy dipping, chicken lovers.