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The Incredible Incarnations Of Tim Allen

From dogs to cars, Tim Allen has portrayed an impressive number of distinctive characters. In his newest show he plays a father to three daughters! Last Man Standing premieres on ABC Tuesday Oct 11, 8|7c.

  • 1. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz is a ranger in Star Command, though Andy's Room is a considerably more limited frontier. This was the first time Allen took on a voice-only role, roles which, ever since, have been a prominent part of his career.

  • 2. Santa Clause

    Santa Clause

    In The Santa Clause, Tim Allen's role as Santa Clause didn't have just one big difference from his others...

  • 3.

    But bigger...

    But bigger...

  • 4.

    And bigger ones.

    And bigger ones.

  • 5. Captain Zoom

    Captain Zoom

    Okay, so the outfit's a little questionable (that's how it goes with most superheroes), but Captain Zoom's superpower, naturally, is super-speed, so you never see it anyway.

  • 6. Buzz Lightyear Car

    Buzz Lightyear Car

    In the movie Cars, Tim Allen's iconic character from Toy Story got a cameo and a new paint job as a car.

  • 7. The Shaggy Dog

    The Shaggy Dog

    Dave Douglas is just a dude with a normal job, except that he casually transforms into a big dog on occasion. Gotta make due with what you've got, which is exactly what Allen did in this role.

  • 8. Melbar Prime

    Melbar Prime

    A completely different role for Allen, Melbar Prime's one of the main villains in Jimmy Neutron. He's not that bad, though--just a giant organic head attached to a robotic body.