"School Of Rock" Actor Rivkah Reyes Says Late Actor Kevin Clark Came Up With The Film's Ending

    "It just wasn't hitting."

    This post contains spoilers for the film School of Rock.

    The ending to School of Rock is iconic.

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    But according to Rivkah Reyes — who played the bassist in the Jack Black comedy — the film almost ended very differently.


    missing kev. his legacy will forever live on. #rip #kevinclark #schoolofrock #moviefacts

    ♬ Brain Stew - Green Day

    "The ending wasn't landing," they recalled in a video posted to TikTok. "We tried one version of it where we win [the Battle of the Bands competition]. We tried another version of it where we lose and that's it. It just wasn't hitting."

    Jack Black with his arms open brandishing a guitar

    Then, Reyes claims, late actor Kevin Clark — who played the drummer, Freddy — came up with an idea that everyone agreed upon.

    Jack Black sits at a drum set while the School of Rock children stand around him brandishing instruments

    "The team was just like, 'What do we do about this ending?' And Kevin is just like, 'It'd be cool if like, we lost and then the audience started cheering, 'School of Rock! School of Rock!' and then they bring us out for an encore.'"

    Black points a finger at Clark while standing outside near a truck

    "So this guy, at 13 years old, wrote the ending of School of Rock."

    Black jams with the School of Rock kids while playing a guitar

    Inspiring stuff, and a fitting tribute to Clark as well.

    Black performs with the School of Rock kids at the closing scene