People Are Sharing The Wildest Conspiracy Theories They've Ever Heard, And I Can't Believe Some Of These

    "The dumbest, but still my favorite."

    This post contains discussion of violence.

    There's lots of conspiracy theories out there — and a fair amount of them are so ridiculous that you can't even believe other people fall for them.

    Redditor u/Accomplished-Leg-991 recently asked the people of Reddit, "What’s the weirdest/craziest conspiracy theory you have heard of?" Suffice to say, people can be pretty gullible nowadays:

    1. "Rocks are soft until touched. The dumbest, but still my favorite."


    2. "Traffic barrels are left up for so long because the Department of Transportation bought too many and have no place to store them."


    3. "That Gisele Bündchen is an actual witch, and she hexed Leonardo DiCaprio after they broke up so that he would never be able to date anyone older than she was when they broke up."


    4. "That Walt Disney was cryogenically frozen, and they made the movie Frozen so that when people googled 'Walt Disney Frozen' the movie would come up first."


    5. "The truck driver that delivered my flooring gave me this gem: The push for green lawns in the US is by Big Pharma. To get green grass, you need pesticides, pesticides cause cancer, cancer is good business for drug companies. It was, like, a 20-minute-long rant to get to that conclusion, and it was an adventure."


    6. "I had a co-worker that fully believed the government controls the weather so celebrities can have nice weddings."


    7. "The '5G waves emitted by the Emergency Broadcast test activate the COVID vaccine microchips and turn people into zombies' one is definitely one of the weirdest I've ever heard."


    8. "That Finland doesn’t exist."


    9. "Flat Earth. Just...everything about it."


    10. "Your social security number indicates which bank you were sold to at birth."


    11. "Conspiracy 58 — basically, a conspiracy that the World Cup from 1958 never happened in Sweden as it was broadcast, and it was a CIA psy-op. The conspiracy is documented in the movie Conspiracy 58, which makes a very compelling case — until the every end of the credits, where it claims to be a work of fiction (with the text only in Swedish). People legitimately believe this theory now."


    12. "That the great fire of London was actually started by a rat spontaneously combusting."


    13. "Some nut jobs have convinced themselves that every celebrity is trans. They point out all kinds of physical attributes that 'prove it,' like 'masculine jawlines' and 'male eyes,' or 'too small hips that a woman wouldn't be able to birth through.' One bikini pic of Taylor Swift shows a bit pronounced pubic mound, and the conspiracy nutters, never having seen a natural naked woman, went, 'Yup, must be a penis.'"


    14. "QAnon. All of it is insane, but the most crazy and unbelievable part is that they consider Trump to be a genius."


    15. "One of the wildest ones is that Charlemagne’s grandson moved the calendar forward 300 years, and thus the Dark Ages never happened."


    16. "Mass shooting victims being crisis actors. A majority of my church I grew up in was shot up, with a lot of people I cared about and loved in it — many who are dead now. The amount of brain-damaged fucking idiots that are willing to openly discuss your dead friend being a 'crisis actor' was infuriating and caused me to abandon so many relationships with dumbasses who genuinely fell for some of the bullshit that was spread. The bullshit Alex Jones put Sandy Hook families and others through makes me cringe. People can be so cruel and shitty and stupid sometimes. It's literally the craziest shit that I still have a hard time unpacking."


    17. "I randomly heard recently that they get transplanted kidneys out of prisoners. Not deceased donors, not kidney donors who agree to donate, but people who are in the American penal system."

    And finally...

    18. "That owning chickens are the gateway drug to believing conspiracy theories."


    Have your own? See you in the comments!

    These entries were edited for length and clarity.