People Are Sharing Lies That Everyone Can't Stop Telling, And You Might Recognize Some Of Them

    "'I don’t care what others think of me.' Lots of people say this, but I don’t think it's possible to not care."

    Everyone lies — yes, even you. And there are also some lies that everyone tells, with no sign of stopping any time soon.

    A woman on a phone with her nose growing like Pinocchio

    U/Ghost-5AVAGE-786 recently asked the people of Reddit, "What is one lie everyone tells?" In some strange way, this might make you feel a little less alone:

    1. "I’m good/fine/OK.”


    2. "It was nice talking to you."


    3. "I've read the terms and conditions."


    Buttons that say "Accept" and "Terms & Conditions"

    4. "Don't worry about it."


    5. "'I’m almost there.' (Shows up 20 minutes later.)"


    A man holding his phone while checking his watch

    6. "'If there's anything I/we can do, just let us know.' I've always wanted to say something like, 'OK, pay my power bill next month.'"


    7. "'If you work hard, you will be successful.' Bullshit!"


    A woman with her head on her desk

    8. "I don’t judge."


    9. "Oh wow, yeah, I'll definitely have to watch that show you recommended, thanks!"


    A man looking bored and holding a television remote

    10. "'Sorry I missed your call.' No I'm not, I was looking at the phone when it started ringing and chose to ignore it."


    11. "I’m sorry, I have other plans that night."


    12. "I’ll quit (insert bad habit) tomorrow."


    13. "I'm busy right now."


    14. “I don’t know where your really loud and annoying toy went, sweetie! It’s a mystery. How about you play with your coloring book instead?”


    A little kid screaming with his hand in a dinosaur toy's mouth

    15. "'I don’t care what others think of me.' Lots of people say this, but I don’t think it's possible to not care."


    16. "To the dentist: 'Yes, of course, I will floss every day.'"


    A dentist showing something to a patient

    17. "Deep down, I'm really a good person."


    18. "When people deny peeing in the shower."


    19. "Oh, life will slow down after (high school, college, getting first job)."


    20. "Five more minutes."


    A man in bed, hitting the snooze button on his alarm clock

    Agree? Disagree? Have your own additions? See you in the comments!

    Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.