People Are Sharing Things They Don't Like Anymore Now That They're Older, And You Might Relate

    "Planning to go there, driving for an hour, expensive parking, crowds of people, standing on your feet for hours, driving back — it's just not worth it anymore."

    Let's get real: The older you get, the more things change — and those changes can often be quite irritating.

    A man with his head in his hands in front of his laptop

    U/Gaagooka recently asked the people of Reddit, "What are you starting to dislike more as you get older?" Sit back and relax as you scroll through, because you might just find some common ground:

    1. "Crowds. I use to love going to big beer festivals or spring break to party. Now, when booking vacations, I purposely try to book in areas with smaller crowds."


    A large crowd on a beach

    2. "When they rearrange the grocery store."


    An aisle at the grocery store

    3. "Loud bars. When I was 21–25, it was just normal. You go to a bar, the music is loud. That's just how bars are, right? Now that I'm in my late 30s, I actively avoid going to bars that have excessively loud music. One of these days, I'm going to start shouting at the clouds, I'm sure of it."


    4. "Leaving the house."


    5. "Social media."


    A person using their phone with emojis coming out of it

    6. "I’m starting to really hate prank influencers. If one of those entitled little pricks fucks around, they will probably find out."


    7. "Other people’s chewing sounds."


    8. "Teenagers scare the living shit out of me."


    9. "People my age. I'm Gen X. It seems I blinked and many of my age-mates became as intolerant as we laughed at our parents for being."


    10. "Fast food. It used to be a treat when I was a teenager. Now, I end up with acid reflux and feel like I need a nap afterwards."


    11. "Booming car stereos in my peaceful residential neighborhood."


    Speakers and a sound system in the back of a car

    12. "The sound of traffic."


    13. "Conspiracy theorists. The conversation always starts with 'Something fishy is going on here' in a way that lets me know they have zero understanding of the topic they wish to discuss. A recent example I mentioned is a coworker who said something was suspicious about the fires in Canada (we were in the smoke path). I tried explaining how air currents work, and that there's satellite images available to see it all happening and there's really no mystery, but that wasn't enough."


    14. "People with no manners! I swear the world has become totally disrespectful!"


    15. "Music. I feel like they aren't using any instruments, lyrics, or even proper singers for that matter. It's all just pretty little videos with 30-second catchy hooks."


    A woman pulling her hair and yelling while listening to music on her headphones

    16. "Unfinished video games being released, then coming out with 'patches' to fix it. Just fucking release the game WHEN IT'S ACTUALLY DONE."


    17. "Going to concerts. I do like the music. But I hate the trouble around it — maybe also because of my autism. Planning to go there, driving for an hour, expensive parking, crowds of people, standing on your feet for hours, driving back — it's just not worth it anymore."


    People at a concert

    18. "Subscriptions to everything."


    19. "Online dating."


    Two hands holding phones with heart emojis coming out of them

    20. "Fireworks."



    Agree? Disagree? Have your own additions? See you in the comments!

    Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.