People Are Sharing Things They Hate More As They Get Older, And It's Pretty Real

    "I feel we would all make so much more headway if we could agree to make an honest effort to understand each other and try to work for everyone's best interests, instead of constantly trying to one-up each other."

    You get a little older, you get a little wiser — and everything around you gets a little more annoying, too.

    A woman with her head in her hand

    U/Boring-Advice7763 recently asked the people of Reddit, "What are y’all starting to dislike more and more the older you get?" We're all getting older, so consider this as some extremely relatable information:

    1. "Loud noises."


    2. "Waiting for things and other people. My patience has gotten progressively worse."


    3. "People. I used to be a people person, but people ruined it."


    4. "Other drivers. As you get older, you begin to realize just how stupid the average driver is. It’s appalling, and I’m tired of having to constantly prevent accidents."


    A woman looking outraged as she drives her car

    5. "Going out and partying."


    People at a club dancing

    6. "The lack of compassion in the world. I feel we would all make so much more headway if we could agree to make an honest effort to understand each other and try to work for everyone's best interests, instead of constantly trying to one-up each other."


    7. "Aging. I don't feel any different from 30 years ago — but my knee usually hurts, my back frequently hurts, and recently, I've been getting sharp pains at the base of my spine. Getting old sucks; it's just better than the alternative."


    8. "Social media. Literally fucking everything about it. Grown people making fucking staged videos for likes."


    Emojis coming out of someone's smartphone

    9. "Watching the news. I used to love it as a kid."


    Someone on their phone while watching the news

    10. "Any time the grocery store rearranges itself. Goddamnit, it’s taco Tuesday, I shouldn’t have to hunt for the tortillas."


    A grocery store aisle

    11. "Normal things that sometimes don't work like they need to, like the broom that just won't FUCKING STAY STILL FOR A GODDAMN SECOND ON THIS FUCKING WALL. Little shit like that."


    12. "Shopping, especially clothes shopping. I used to enjoy it. Now, I find it mostly a chore."


    13. "Apps. I shouldn’t need to download an app for everything."


    A woman looking stressed while looking at her phone

    14. "Mail. Nothing good comes by mail."


    A woman checking the mail at her mailbox

    15. "Fashion trends. I loved them when I was younger. Now, I feel like a crotchety old woman when I look at low-rise jeans with disgust. Now, I get why older people sometimes get stuck in a decade, clothing-wise."


    16. "Loud cars and trucks. I genuinely think it’s noise pollution and should be illegal."


    A man screaming while covering his ears

    17. "Politics. I used to give it so much attention and energy. But it never moved the dial in my life. Now, I just try to keep my head down and take care of my business as sustainably as possible and without hurting anyone. If at any point in my life I have more influence, I can start to give politics more attention. But not anytime soon."


    18. "People with no manners or civility."


    19. "Grown men talking about their sex lives at work."


    20. "How my optimism that the world would get better has been crushed. It’s 2023, and we’re going backwards on rights for almost everyone, we lionize idiots, and the environment is only slightly less f’d."


    Agree? Disagree? Have your own additions? See you in the comments!

    Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.