People Are Sharing Things That They're Not Into Now That They're Older, And It's Totally OK To Admit These

    "I’ve lost interest in gossip or hearing about any mistakes people have made in the past. Bringing up someone’s past or any gossip about them is a sign of very low intelligence. It suggests you have no original thoughts, so you rely on the imperfections of others to fuel conversation. Nobody is perfect. People make mistakes. What’s important is who you are today, right now, and who you’re trying to be in the future. If you try to talk to me about someone’s past, it’ll be the last time we speak."

    You get older, and some things stay the same — but, also, you might lose interest in some things that you previously loved.

    An older man with his hand on his head, looking down in contemplation

    U/To55ursalad recently asked the people of Reddit, "What do you feel you are losing interest in as you grow older?" Maybe you'll relate to a few of these and feel less alone in the process:

    1. "Fashion, especially shoes that hurt."


    2. "Video games. It's getting harder and harder for me to find new games I like playing. I just end up replaying old games again."


    Two women laughing and playing a video game

    3. "Trying to impress people. I am at the 'What you see is what you get' stage in life, and I love it."


    4. "Owning things. I feel like I don't really buy anything anymore, except for necessities. I just don't see the point in having a lot of stuff. I've gotten rid of most of my possessions, even my album collection that used to mean so much."


    5. "Movies. Nowadays, most movies are as generic as off-brands from a grocery store that nobody goes to."


    An older couple in a movie theater

    6. "Dating."


    7. "Going out."


    8. "Social media. I uninstalled Facebook a few weeks ago as it was just taking up space on my phone, and I don't miss it at all. I can't believe the embarrassing crap I used to think was social media-worthy, and I cringe whenever I see my old Instagram stories."


    Emojis coming out of someone's phone

    9. "Politics. I just don't care anymore. I don't want to paint with a broad brush here, but every politician in the world is a lying, selfish, conniving dick. Left, right, center — it doesn't matter. They're lying to you, and they don't give a shit about you."


    10. "Alcohol."


    11. "Working for other people."


    12. "Sex. I mean, I enjoy it, but I certainly don't have the sex drive I did as a younger man, and I'm happy about that."


    An older couple kissing in bed

    13. "Romantic relationships. I used to base my entire happiness off of them, but the older you get, the more you realize that finding 'love' doesn’t solve all of your problems. If anything, it just creates more."


    14. "I’ve lost interest in gossip or hearing about any mistakes people have made in the past. Bringing up someone’s past or any gossip about them is a sign of very low intelligence. It suggests you have no original thoughts, so you rely on the imperfections of others to fuel conversation. Nobody is perfect. People make mistakes. What’s important is who you are today, right now, and who you’re trying to be in the future. If you try to talk to me about someone’s past, it’ll be the last time we speak."


    15. "Pro sports."


    16. "This isn’t really a good thing to lose interest in, but honestly, my fitness. I saw an ad yesterday that said, 'Get the abs of your dreams' or some shit like that, and I thought, 'Nah, I had abs in my 20s, that’s enough of that.' I’ve been big into working out and was toned, trimmed, and strong. I spent my teens, 20s, and early 30s competing in martial arts, doing CrossFit, running, biking, powerlifting, and always making time for the gym. Within the last couple years, the desire has just gone. I felt myself getting out of breath going up stairs recently — like, how the fuck does that happen?!"


    A man in workout gear looking at his phone

    17. "Trying to control things."


    18. "Arguing. It's just not worth it."


    19. "Man, I wish it wasn’t so, but the mainline Pokémon games. I feel like I’m playing them out of habit at this point and have been less and less enticed to be a completionist. I've barely touched what little there is of the endgame in Scarlet, it just felt so half-hearted. The amount of enthusiasm that the characters show in their dialogue is ironically saccharine compared to what seems to be the actual effort made on behalf of the developers."


    20. "TV. You see the same shows with the same scenarios remade and remade under different names. There are quality TV shows out there still, but few and far between."


    An older man with a television remote in his hand

    Have your own additions? See you in the comments!

    Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.