People Are Sharing Harsh Advice That Everyone Needs To Hear — Yes, That Means You, Too

    "You will die with books you never read, movies and TV shows you never watched, games you never played, places you never got to visit, and things you wanted to say but never did."

    Sometimes, what we need to hear isn't exactly what we want to hear — but it doesn't mean we don't need to hear it.

    A person consoling someone else

    U/Individual_Owl_6925 recently asked the people of Reddit, "What's a harsh reality that everyone needs to hear?" If you don't have a thick skin — well, you better go get yourself one, stat:

    1. "It's easier to maintain your health than it is to get it back."


    A doctor talking with a patient

    2. "Whatever you say can and will be used against you."


    A man being arrested

    3. "Bad things happen to good people."


    4. "People who want to cheat will cheat, no matter how much you think you’re keeping an eye on them."


    A man texting while his partner looks on

    5. "You can love someone with all of your heart and not be loved back in the same way."


    6. "You don't always get what you want."


    7. "You can't force people to like the same things as you."


    8. "Failure is part of life."


    9. "You’re probably not as smart as you think you are."


    People in an office

    10. "You will die with books you never read, movies and TV shows you never watched, games you never played, places you never got to visit, and things you wanted to say but never did."


    11. "Other people are thinking about themselves, not about you."


    12. "Wanting a baby isn’t enough. You have to also want a toddler, and a kid, and a teen, and an adult."


    A parent and their baby

    13. "Your talent means nothing without consistent effort and practice — and some of the most talented people in the world never move out from their parents' basement."


    14. "You spend too much time on your smartphone."


    A person filming a video on their phone

    15. "You’re not perfect. Stop judging others."


    16. "Complaining and not doing anything will get you nowhere. If you don't like your situation, then do something about it."


    17. "Your happiness is your responsibility. No person or no thing will ever be able to do that for you."


    18. "The housing market will not be 'returning to normal.' This is the new normal."


    House for sale signs

    19. "Politicians do not care one bit about the people. They make you think they do to get your vote."


    And finally...

    20. "I'm not gonna watch the show you suggested."


    Agree? Disagree? Got your own? See you in the comments!

    These entries have been edited for length and clarity.