Octavia Spencer Says Her House Is Haunted By A Ghost And, You Know What, I Believe Her

    "We have boundaries."

    Do you believe in ghosts? Octavia Spencer does.

    Spencer smiles for a photo on the red carpet

    During a recent interview with Ellen DeGeneres, the actor revealed that she thinks her house is haunted — but don't worry, it's not as scary as it sounds.

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    TheEllenShow / Via youtube.com

    According to Octavia, her house was previously owned by an actor who appeared in Westerns: "I grew up watching Westerns, and I bought this house, and it was owned by a guy who did Westerns, so I must have been a fan of his.”

    Spencer smiles for the camera while wearing earbuds

    She also said she thinks of the ghost as her "protector." “I love him, because he kind of sorts out the bad people that shouldn’t be there,” she explained. “He runs them out. If they stay at my place, they don’t wanna come back. And that’s how I know that they don’t belong here.”

    Spencer poses for a picture at a red carpet event

    “If you’re a person that belongs there, everybody is like, ‘Oh, your place is so welcoming. It’s so great.’ And that’s how I feel about it.”

    Spencer looks at the camera with a smile and her hands interlocked

    Octavia also claimed that the ghost only acts "a little shady" if she leaves the house for an extended period of time. “The doors close; the lights go off when I turn them on," she explained.

    Spencer smiles for the camera

    Overall, she's pretty cool with her ghost — just, don't bring your ghosts around her place. "I love my ghost. I just don’t want you bringing your ghost to my house," Octavia claimed. "I don’t want anybody’s ghost thinking they can be friends with my ghost."

    Spencer smiles for a photo

    "My ghost can haunt me, but he doesn’t haunt me. We have boundaries."

    Spencer waves at the camera while walking down the street

    Watch the whole interview here.