Machine Gun Kelly Says The Only Reason He Starred In "Midnight In The Switchgrass" Was So He Could Meet Megan Fox

    "They were like, 'Your scene is with Megan Fox,' and I was like, 'I'll take the movie."

    Oh, you thought you already knew everything about how Machine Gun Kelly and Megan Fox met? Think again.

    Machine Gun Kelly and Megan Fox stand next to each other on the red carpet

    During a recent appearance on The Drew Barrymore Show, the singer revealed that the only reason he starred in last year's Midnight in the Switchgrass was so he could meet her.

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    The Drew Barrymore Show / Via

    "Ironically the only reason I took the movie was because they were like, 'Your scene is with Megan Fox,' and I was like, 'I'll take the movie,'" he admitted.

    Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly pose together on the red carpet

    "I stayed outside the trailer, and my gut is always right, and I'm grateful for it because for some reason I knew she would invite me for lunch."

    Machine Gun Kelly takes a photo with his iPhone as Megan Fox laughs

    "Then, all of a sudden, someone came over and was like, 'Megan wants to know if you want to have lunch in her trailer.' And I was like, 'Oh my god, I'm so surprised. Yeah, absolutely.'"

    Machine Gun Kelly and Megan Fox walk down the street while carrying shopping bags

    "I went in there, and she said, 'How do you feel?' And I said, 'I'm lost,'" he continued. "She said, 'Let's find you.' And I was like … it killed me."

    Machine Gun Kelly sings into the microphone next to Megan Fox

    "She was cupid."

    Machine Gun Kelly and Megan Fox stand next to each other at an event

    Watch the whole interview here.