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    10 Reasons Why Babysitting Is The Best Form Of Birth Control

    The truth about babysitting and why it will scare you out of having children of your own. Well, for a long, long, LONG time at least.

    1. For starters, kids produce a LOT of snot.

    Let's just throw that one out there. Plain and simple. They have a lot of snot, all of the time. And yes, it will at some point end up on you, too.

    2. You will spend 95% of your time explaining "why," to just about everything.

    "Why are we going there?" "Why is your hair like that?" "Why do I have to take a bath?" "Why do I have to eat this for dinner?" "Why are carrots orange?" It. Never. Ends.

    3. They will point out your every flaw.

    I never knew that I had "stubby toes" until about a week ago. I also didn't know that I sometimes wear "ugly shirts" and "weird pants." But I mean hey, I guess honesty is the best policy?

    4. They argue. A lot.

    They argue with you, with their siblings and with themselves. Temper tantrums are REAL, and they are SCARY.

    5. They are always sick.

    This means YOU will always be sick. No amount of Emergen-C will combat those walking heaps of germs.

    6. They will at some point hurt you.

    I don't mean hurt your feelings, because thats inevitable. I mean you will sooner or later get a toy to the head, or an elbow in the eye. That's just the way it goes.

    7. The answer "no," never means no.

    The answer no means: maybe if I just keep asking over and over and over again the answer will change to yes. And if that doesn't work, I'll just cry until it does!

    8. Your priorities take a back seat always.

    Yep, parenting 101. But instead, they are someone else's children. So if you're hungry or tired - guess what? It doesn't matter!

    9. You will get REALLY good at acting.

    Acting like you are overly impressed with the brown blob they created with paint on a piece of paper that they say is a "dog?" That is honestly a skill.

    10. You will realize at the end of the night, these kids aren't yours - and you can give them back.

    At the end of the day, through all of the mentally and physically exhausting activities, babysitting does come to an end. The parents come home, and your responsibility is over. Hey, don't get me wrong, I love kids. They are hilarious and are truly an amazing gift. However this gig will definitely make you wait until you are REALLY ready to commit to that every day snot fest. No doubt about it.