19 Pictures That Pretty Much Sum Up What It's Like To Have A Period

    Hi, I'm your uterus, and I'm here to ruin your life.

    1. When you cannot tell if you just started your period or not.

    2. When you accidentally queue up "21."

    3. When you're just trying to have a good time and your period ruins it.

    4. When you slept more than six hours and your tampon or pad isn't doing its job.

    5. When you have a heavy flow and you're just trying to save furniture everywhere.

    6. When your cramps are trying to kill you but you're keeping your cool.

    7. When someone has the audacity to speak to you during your period.

    8. When you find yourself hit with an intense craving.

    9. When you look back on the actions during your period and remember.

    10. When you aren't able to catch your sneeze in time.

    11. When you accidentally let your emotions get the best of you.

    12. When literally everything is annoying to you.

    13. When you're not sure how much more you can take.

    14. When you go from hot to cold like that.

    15. When your brain really likes to play with you.

    16. When you just can't take it anymore.

    17. And finally, the feeling you get when you're finally off your period.