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    26 Cheap Working-From-Home DIYs That Pinterest Is Raving About

    Organize your physical and digital space for a healthier work-life balance.

    Remote work can be tricky. While you may have heard the advice to "never bring work home with you," that may feel impossible when you work from home.

    Researchers have found that working from home may lead employees to put in more hours than they would in the office.

    More hours working online can result in more stress, more eye strain, less exercise, and insomnia. Yikes.

    While getting that bread is important, it's important to give yourself time off work to eat the loaf. And when you work from home, your work and personal life may blend together.

    Working on a computer doesn't just have physical consequences. It can also impact your digital health. (Have you heard of digital hygiene?) Fortunately, you can have a healthier physical relationship with your digital work.

    Pinterest users love these trending tips and DIYs for people who work from home. Will you?

    1. Plants. Lots of plants

    2. Save your eyes with a blue light blocker

    A graphic with a bright phone screen and a more orange, shaded phone screen with the blue light filter turned on

    3. DIY a standing desk

    A person stands in front of the DIY raised desk attachment, typing on a laptop

    4. Make a concrete block desk or shelves

    Concrete blocks and a piece of wood stacked into a charming desk

    5. Stretch your legs with a foot hammock

    Bare feet in a foot hammock

    6. Use an easy Zoom green screen

    A work station with a hanging green sheet

    7. Make use of natural light

    A desk in front of a window

    8. DIY a dry erase board

    A dry erase wall with a woman drawing a calendar on it.

    9. Recover an office chair

    A before/after pic of a restored desk chair

    10. Connect a laptop and television for dual monitors

    Two screen setup with a laptop and other monitor on a desk

    11. Plant trees with your web use

    12. Elevate your laptop for flattering video calls

    13. Host caption-friendly video calls with Google Meet

    A transcription of a portion of Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven," being narrated out loud by the person speaking in the video chat.

    14. Send virtual cards and invitations

    A line of virtual greeting cards

    15. Replace your digital picture frame with a gallery wall

    A line of black and white candid family photos framed on the wall

    16. Use mirrors to enlarge your small space

    A large mirror in a home office

    17. Transform a closet into an office nook

    A desk, computer, and shelves in a closet

    18. Have a "no screen" zone

    A corner with pillows, a rug, and plants

    19. Turn end tables into a functional workstation

    A collage of three images, DIY, with two sets of bookshelves and a piece of wood stacked together into a desk shape.

    20. Wall decals create a no-damage, customizable backsplash

    A colorful wall decal behind a desk

    21. Set up a tripod with a binder clip

    22. Close off your space with a curtain or clothing rack

    Collage of DIY room separator: red curtains hung on a rolling clothing rack from Ikea

    23. Use a selfie light or lamp

    A woman smiles into the camera, a selfie light illuminating her face

    24. Enjoy a "virtual balcony"

    Tree background on a computer screen

    25. Set up "office hours" for motivation

    A Black man types on his desktop computer

    26. Sew up some wrist and back support

    A hand holding a mouse, the wrist resting on a fabric pillow.