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    10 Funny Things You Should Know Before Dating A German Guy

    Did you know that? Meet the Latin Lady Lucy and the German Guy Günther. She would like to date him- But there are 10 funny things she should know about before :D

    German Guy Günther & Latin Lady Lucy

    1. Lucy wants Günther to ask her for a date. Probably she needs to ask - germans are famous for their engineering, not their romance!

    2. Lucy should be punctual on the first date- Günther can't even think of reasons for being late

    3. If Lucy wants to dance with Günther, she should put her safety boots on first

    4. Günther will not drive in a car with Lucy without the seat belt on- he loves safety

    5. Lucy should not expect sweet words from Günther - he will be happy to help her with any mathematical problem though

    6. If everybody crosses a red traffic light, Lucy needs to get used to wait with Günther until it turns green- rules are rules

    7. Lucy should not expect Günther to shower with her - that contradicts his understanding of purpose and efficiency

    8. Lucy should not get confused if Günther drinks plenty of beer at any occasion- He needs it like water

    9. If they both planned to take Lucy's car to get dinner out, she should not ask to go with his car last minute - Günther likes to stick to the plan

    10. If Günther invites Lucy to cook dinner for them, she should not believe in his cooking skills and better bring some sausages and sauerkraut if she actually wants to eat something

    The post is inspired by my german friend Günther and is based on prejudices - Even he heard about some of them for the first time when he went to México