This Tattoo Is Making My Eyes Bleed

    Gahhhh it's so horrible make it go awayyyyy

    Twitter user @ivan_ecus directed this tweet at Chicago Bulls reserve point guard/pint-sized basketball firecracker Nate Robinson. It is a tattoo of Nate Robinson. It is... atrocious.

    Nothing against poor Ivan, who I'm sure is a great guy. But this thing looks like a pretzel wearing a Japanese No mask trying to dunk a football into a rock wall.

    This is real-life Nate Robinson. He looks nothing like that tattoo. In fact, there is nothing that looks less like that tattoo than Nate Robinson. Even better: he's wearing a Knicks jersey in the tat.

    No Face is very sad that this tattoo might be confused for him. No Face is happy that it makes it seem like he can dunk, though.

    H/T to Tim Ryan at The Big Lead