Robert Griffin III Sustained A Brutal Knee Injury In The Redskins' Playoff Loss

    Let's hope RGIII is ok.

    Robert Griffin III, the Redskins' Pro Bowl rookie quarterback, has been the NFL's breakout star this year. But in his first playoff game, against the Seattle Seahawks, he had a very bad day.

    You can see how his leg twists here. As bad as it looks, RGIII did walk back on to the field for post-game handshakes, which gives hope that it might not be an ACL tear.

    The crowd was as aghast as you'd expect.

    Here's video of the injury.

    To make matters worse, the Redskins lost to the Seahawks after scoring the first 14 points of the game. Seattle heads to Atlanta next week, while Washington — both the team and the city — will be obsessively focused on the condition of its quarterback's knee.