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    This Kentucky Two Year Old Plays Basketball Better Than You

    His hobbies include napping pooping, and draining three pointers.

    These are the Benders from Russell, KY: Brad, Kelsey, Elijah (2) and Theo (7 months)

    The Benders are very cool. That's obvious from these Halloween costumes

    This week, Elijah's awesomness reached a new level when his parents discovered he could play basketball better than most adults.

    Facebook: kelsey.gregg.5

    Without looking!

    From there, Kentucky media outlets came running to share the tale of the newest athletic phenomenon.

    Facebook: WKYTTV

    Today, Elijah was featured on Good Morning America

    The Benders would love to see Elijah make it to Ellen DeGeneres, but requests that Ellen not send anyone to their house due to the fact that they have two children under three years old and they are usually drowning in toys.

    In a world full of division and political angst, I think we can all agree that Elijah is a national treasure and should be offered a college basketball scholarship immediately.

    Yay babies!