Zayn Malik Looks Sexy AF On The Cover Of Billboard Magazine

    Here's to Z016.

    🚨 🚨 ATTENTION: Blessed being Zayn Malik is currently gracing the cover of Billboard Magazine, looking sexy as hell. 🚨 🚨

    Aside from giving a very revealing interview — in which he says he likes "girls that are a bit chunky in certain areas -- the nice areas. I like a fuller woman," and that his mom taught him how to cook — we're blessed with some very 🔥 🔥 photos.

    Like this picture of him gracefully hanging out with a cactus.

    Or this very chill and casual hangout on the floor that will likely knock the damn wind out of you.

    And there's even an entire 73-second video of Zayn poetically gazing off into the distance, looking like a damn model of perfection.

    🙏 🙏 🙏

    Z016 is officially off to a strong start.