Taylor Swift Wrote A Novel At The Age Of 14

    Because obviously.

    Taylor Swift is a rare and mystical human who has the ability to write lyrics that millions of people around the globe can relate to so hard.

    So it should probably be no surprise that she's already written an entire damn book — even though she's yet to publish one. (Which I am personally hoping changes in the very near future.)

    In an interview for GQ magazine's November cover, she reveals that apart from her life-changing lyrics, she also wrote a non-autobiographical novel at the age of 14, titled A Girl Named Girl, "about a mother who wants a son but instead has a girl."

    Which, as interviewer Chuck Klosterman notes, would undoubtedly become a best-seller probably 45 seconds after the moment it was released.

    So this is my plea to queen Taylor: Please publish an advice book immediately, preferably on the topic of how to dominate the world like a badass.

    Read more of GQ's interview with Taylor Swift here.