16 Ways To Text Your Ex Using Taylor Swift Lyrics

    "Darling, I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream."

    Taylor Swift, queen of heartbreaks, is back with even more lovelorn lyrics in her new album 1989. The best way to celebrate her magical new album is to text your ex with her lyrics, probably.

    Here are a few examples to get you started:

    1. When they text you out of the blue after they broke your heart:

    2. When they realize what they lost:

    3. When they want to "hangout" again:

    4. When they realize the mistake they've made:

    5. When they're ~confused~ about why you haven't forgiven their sorry ass yet:

    6. When they're sneakily trying to see if you'll hookup on Halloween:

    7. When they try to apologize for cheating on you:

    8. When they try to make their way back into your life again:

    9. When they want you to get back together again:

    10. When they think inviting you to a sports game is a totally casual way to be friends again:

    11. When you want them back:

    12. When you ~really~ want to hook up again:

    13. When they *promise* they've changed:

    14. When they ghost you after a few months and then decide to randomly text you:

    15. When they didn't realize what they had until it was gone:

    16. When they're a total slob: