20 Hilarious Tweets About Last Night's "Bachelor: The Women Tell All" Special

    "Bekah spending 2 weeks on a marijuana farm after she got dumped by Arie and being reported missing by her own mother is arguably the best story in bachelor history."

    If you've been keeping up with The Bachelor this season, then you probably know that last night's Women Tell All special was, um, intense.

    From the breakdown of Krystal's fake voice to Caroline's shocking Arie-did-a-terrible-fucking-thing announcement, there was quite a lot to unpack. Here are just a few tweets that said exactly what we all were thinking...


    Krystal: I lost my voice Chris Harrison: For 6 weeks? : #WomenTellAll


    Bekah spending 2 weeks on a marijuana farm after she got dumped by Arie and being reported missing by her own mothe… https://t.co/Oao4Uxgz7l


    Arie: if I could go back and do things differently I would Winner at home rn: #WomenTellAll


    I really wanted seinne for bachelorette but upon further review there’s no way in hell you’re gonna find 30 persona… https://t.co/12cQGZ5V9z


    Find you someone who looks at you the way Krystal looks at herself on #TheBachelor #WomenTellAll


    The only thing that kept me from expressing my thoughts on Krystal until now was a $5mil NDA and lots of wine. #glitter #WomenTellAll


    Caroline: I know what you did. Bachelor Nation: #TheBachelor #WomenTellAll


    Caroline just did a better job convincing us #TheBachelor finale is going to be epic than Chris Harrison has in mor… https://t.co/KRavyNFkfT


    Caroline confronting Arie and being genuinely heartbroken over what he did to her friend is the kind of loyalty we… https://t.co/8ex8jfP1pA


    This glam-shaming thing was funny for like 8 seconds and the fact that we're having a real discussion about it is m… https://t.co/JvQTQainii


    I just googled what Caroline meant by “I know what you did” and oh my god, everything has changed. #womentellall… https://t.co/i6ZTYDNEAT


    “Arie will do the right thing” Everyone: #TheBachelor #WomenTellAll


    So, Caroline basically confirmed that Arie does in fact pull a Mesnick! #WomenTellAll


    If I could sum up this entire season it would be "Merp." #womentellall


    "We're proud to announce that Seinne WON'T be coming back as The Bachelorette or on Bachelor in Paradise, because s… https://t.co/QbuU17JWCk


    #TheBachelor #WomenTellAll *Ben tells two women he loves them* Arie: hold my beer


    If you say needle dick three times fast in a mirror, Arie appears and tells you "I love that" #WomenTellAll


    When Caroline says “I️ know what you did... and I don’t know how you could do it” #WomenTellAll


    When you don’t want your friends to know you watch #thebachelor the real #kissingbandit #WomenTellAll… https://t.co/dd6USODDSU


    Me every time Seinne is on screen: #WomenTellAll

    *Braces myself for the dramatic AF finale*