Anna Faris And Chris Pratt Continue To Be Cutest Couple In Existence


    In case you are unaware, the World's Cutest Couple is officially Anna Faris and Chris Pratt.

    And if you disagree, you're wrong. (Sorry.)

    They know how to be goofy as hell with each other:

    On the way!! I shaved my legs! #wetredcarpet

    They're sickeningly adorable:

    My sweet men on the last day on set of parks and recreation. What a great show @prattprattpratt

    And overall, they're just real, true, #RelationshipGoals:

    In a quest to make our hearts melt into one giant puddle of tears, Anna Faris tweeted this adorable message last night about how proud she is of her man:

    @prattprattpratt thinks I'm taking a nap but I'm really watching the last @JurassicPark trailer over and over-can't believe he's my man

    And it's just further proof that they are the best couple on this planet that we call earth — perhaps the cutest of all time????