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Former Cooking Show Contestants, Share Your Stories And Secrets With Us

I'll always secretly believe I could win Chopped.

Of all the seemingly endless reality shows out there, cooking competitions have to be some of the most fun to watch. I'm sure, like me, many viewers are probably guilty of tuning into their fave Food Network show and thinking, I could do that.

While most of us aren't bold enough to put our cooking skills where our mouth is, many professional chefs and home cooks have gone on TV to prove themselves, and we want to hear about it!

Maybe you tried to fool the judges on Is It Cake? on Netflix.

Or perhaps you bid a bunch of money to take down your competition on Cutthroat Kitchen.

Or maybe you hoped for a Paul Hollywood handshake on The Great British Bake Off.

If you've ever competed on a cooking show, what was it like? Was there anything that surprised you? What behind-the-scenes stories and secrets do you have to share? Tell us all about your experiences in the comments for a chance to be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!