I Turned 50 Must-See Films Into Barbie Movies Using AI, And TBH, They Look A Lot Cooler Than The Originals

    I want to live in the universe that has Top Gun (Barbie's Version) directed by Greta Gerwig!

    All the Barbie movie hype has me nostalgic for the days when Barbie starred in her own animated adaptations of classic stories like Rapunzel and The Nutcracker. It also got me wondering what it would be like if the Barbie team got the rights to remake some iconic movies.

    So, I used AI to "Barbie-fy" 50 iconic movies. Here are the results:

    1. The Godfather

    Barbie as the Godfather

    2. The Dark Knight

    Batwoman Barbie

    3. The Hunger Games

    Katniss Barbie

    4. Star Wars: Episode IV — A New Hope

    Star Wars Barbie

    5. Pride & Prejudice

    Pride & Prejudice Barbie and Ken

    6. Top Gun

    Top Gun Barbie

    7. Everything Everywhere All At Once

    Asian Barbie with chaos behind her

    8. Titanic

    Titanic Barbie

    9. Shrek

    Shrek Barbie

    10. Pirates of the Caribbean

    Pirate Barbie

    11. Iron Man

    Iron Barbie

    12. Citizen Kane

    50s Barbie

    13. The Wizard of Oz

    Oz Barbie

    14. Forrest Gump

    Barbie on a bench

    15. Casablanca

    Casablanca Barbie

    16. Twilight

    Twilight Barbie

    17. Breakfast at Tiffany's

    Breakfast at Tiffany's Barbie

    18. Ferris Bueller's Day Off

    Ferris Ken

    19. Jaws

    Jaws Barbie

    20. Spirited Away

    Spirited Away Barbie

    21. Rocky

    Rocky Ken

    22. Avatar

    Avatar Barbie

    23. Singin' in the Rain

    A Barbie with an umbrella

    24. Beetlejuice

    Beetlejuice Barbie

    25. Mission: Impossible

    Spy Barbie

    26. The Fast and the Furious

    Racing Barbie

    27. 2001: A Space Odyssey

    Space Barbie

    28. Midsommar

    Cult Barbie

    29. Raiders of the Lost Ark

    Indy Barbie

    30. Braveheart

    Scottish Barbie

    31. Nope

    Nope Barbie

    32. Mad Max: Fury Road

    Futuristic Barbie

    33. The Truman Show

    Closeup of Barbie

    34. Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse

    Spider-Woman Barbie

    35. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

    Hobbit Barbie

    36. Slumdog Millionaire

    Indian Barbie

    37. Goldfinger

    Classic Barbie

    38. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

    Witch Barbie

    39. A Star Is Born

    Musician Barbie

    40. Marie Antoinette

    Marie Antoinette Barbie

    41. Suicide Squad

    Harley Quinn Barbie

    42. Ghostbusters

    Ghostbuster Barbie

    43. Mrs. Doubtfire

    Mrs. Doubtfire Barbie

    44. Office Space

    Office Barbie

    45. Thelma & Louise

    Thelma & Louise Barbie

    46. E.T. the Extraterrestrial

    ET Barbie

    47. Back to the Future

    50s Barbie

    48. Black Panther

    Black Panther Barbie

    49. Dirty Dancing

    Dancing Barbie

    50. And finally, Paddington 2

    Paddington Barbie

    Which Barbie-fied movie poster was your favorite? And what other movies would you want to see starring Barbie? Let me know in the comments!

    This post was enhanced using AI-powered creativity tools.