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13 Reasons Why Cheese And Bread Is The Great American Romance

This relationship is so beautiful, you'll want to cry. The romance lives on with KRAFT Singles, now with no artificial preservatives.

1. In the beginning, there was bread.

2. In the beginning, there was also cheese.

3. Then one day...

4. MIND-BLOWING day...

5. ...there was bread AND cheese.

6. Nothing was the same.

7. For a moment, it was as if the world had stopped.

8. Both bread and cheese knew that they would never be alone again.

9. Their love affair was pure.

10. It was fulfilling.

11. It was, in short, magical.

12. It was the type of true love that gives the rest of the world hope that they, too, might one day find their true loves.

13. The two remain inseparable till this very day.

Celebrate the world's greatest love story.