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    9 Dream Airbnb Listings That Will Inspire You To Start Making Summer Travel Plans ASAP

    BRB booking them all!!

    1. First, there's this airy Penthouse in Cape Town, South Africa, currently listed for $171 per night:

    2. And Down Under, there's this Australian apartment with THE best ocean views ever, currently listed at $325 per night.

    3. This cozy Parisian apartment looks straight out of a rom-com, and it's currently listed for $141 a night.

    4. Nature lovers will flip over this legit tree house in Atlanta, listed at $375 a night...

    5. And the Vondel house in Amsterdam, currently listed at $294 a night, is just straight-up lovely:

    6. In Tulum, Mexico, this pastel-soaked apartment is currently listed for $89 per night:

    7. This "Honeymoon House" in Minnesota, listed at $355 a night, puts you right on the shore of Lake Superior:

    8. And this Little Owl Cabin is fittingly listed as "your Pacific Northwest A-frame cabin fantasy" for $229/night.

    9. And finally, for another gorgeous A-frame cabin option, there's the Tye Haus in Washington state, for $170/night.

    Which one are you booking ASAP?? Comment with your choice below!

    This post was translated from Japanese.