31 Totally Adorable Holiday DIYs

    Whether it's the twelfth day of Christmas or the first.

    1. Mini Wreaths

    2. Printable Drink Labels

    3. Holiday Tea Towels

    4. Crochet Snowflakes

    5. Holiday Vases

    6. Metallic Wooden Balls

    7. Snowflake Votive

    8. Mini Snow Globes

    9. Printable Angels

    10. Cutout Cards

    11. Beaded Tassel Ornaments

    12. Adorable Gift Wrap

    13. Felt Tree Garland

    14. Mini Canvas Ornaments

    15. Frosty Felt Wreath

    16. Wooden Bead Ornaments

    17. Twigs Reindeer

    18. Twinkling Room Divider

    19. "Ugly" Sweater Update

    20. Embroidered Snowflake

    21. Knitted Tree Garland

    22. Easy Advent Calendar

    23. Paper Acorn Treats

    24. 3D Tree Mobile

    25. Dip Dyed Pine Cones

    26. Leather Wreath

    27. Quilted Stockings

    28. Rudolph Kokeshi

    29. Concrete Ornaments

    30. Modern Tree

    31. Magazine Snowflakes

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